Sahl Referral
Get 20 EGP cashback when you invite a friend to Sahl, and they make a utility transaction on the app (Electricity, Water, Gas).
You can refer up to 5 people.
The total cashback can reach up to 100 EGP.
To earn cashback, your friend must complete a utility transaction (Electricity, Water, Gas).
Ensure they download the app using the referral link you share with them.
Cashback is available for a limited time only.
You can earn a maximum of 5 cashback rewards.
Only one cashback reward per payment method per campaign.
In case of fraud detection, Sahl reserves the right to reject or withdraw any referral and close the account.
Sahl has the right to update or change the referral terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice.
1st Time Mobile Bills
25% cashback when you pay your mobile bill for any telecom network on Sahl for the 1st time.
Max cashback amount 30 EGP.
The cashback is available for a limited time only
The user is eligible for 1 cashback only.
The payment method is eligible for one cashback only per campaign.
If there is a Fraud detected, Sahl has the right to reject or withdraw any referral and close the account
Sahl has all the rights to update or change the referral terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Orange Cash
20% cashback when you charge your electricity card or water card using Orange cash wallet
Max cashback amount 50 EGP per service.
The cashback is renewed monthly.
The user is eligible for 1 cashback only per month per service.
Each wallet is eligible for cashback only once per month per service.
If there is a Fraud detected, Sahl has the right to reject or withdraw any referral and close the account
Sahl has all the rights to update or change the referral terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.